More than 11,000 educational centres worldwide manage their classes with BlinkLearning.

BlinkLearning in schools

BlinkLearning in schools

BlinkLearning in schools

11,000 schools and more than 3.5 million users of users rely on BlinkLearning.



What can we offer you?

  • Multiple publishers

    Request your BlinkLearning digital licences; more than 100 publishers available.

  • Integrations

    Google/Microsoft and administrative platforms.

  • Online and offline

    Access all content without connecting to the Internet.

  • Multidevice

    Compatible with iPad, Android tablets, Chromebook, Mac, Linux, Windows, and Android and iOS mobiles.

  • Authoring tool

    Personalise and complement the editorial content and create your own content.

Support and Video Tutorials

Support and Video Tutorials

If you need help, contact us via email or telephone, or check our video tutorials.

We help you throughout your digital project. We put all our experience at the disposal of teachers, students, families and the management team.

Enrich your digital books with your own HTML content with the BlinkLearning author tool

Tool to create your own content, projects and new methodologies.

We put at your disposal digital tools for personalising the learning process

Option to adapt the content to the learning pace of students.

BlinkLearning offers you personalised attention in each stage of the school year

Support and advice in the implementation of the school year.

We help teachers and management teams put digital education projects in motion

Teacher training via webinars.

Save time buying books for the school year with our Digital Backpacks.

What the teaching community has to say

Featured educational projects

More than 11,000 schools trust in BlinkLearning.

BlinkLearning is present in over 10,000 educational centres across 42 countries

Spain Colombia Mexico, China Italy, USA, France Portugal, Dominican Rep., Denmark, Ecuador, Chile, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia Turkey, Argentina, Thailand, Peru, Israel, Switzerland, Indonesia, South Korea, Brazil, Russia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Great Britain, Morocco, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, Czech Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Nicaragua, Paraguay

Malawi > A portion of our profits go to our school in Malawi.